Title: Trainwreck
Year: 2015
Director: Judd Apatow
Country: US
Language: English
Amy Schumer is a very divisive comedian. Some find her comedy innovative, while others accuse her of stealing material from dead comedians. I find that her jokes are too reliant of self-deprecating fatphobia and I'm more bored than amused by this. I do like Bill Hader and he also stars in Trainwreck (2015), so I decided to check it out.
Amy Townsend (Amy Schumer) gets drunk and stoned frequently in her pursuit of indiscriminate sex, She does not believe in monogamy. Can her new boyfriend (Bill Hader) change her mind?
In 2015 Schumer's version of femininity was somewhat innovative for the Silver screen. We rarely saw women who were as bawdy, brash and juvenile as their male counterparts. Too often women were portrayed as the "wet blanket". Schumer, as well as the film Bridesmaids, helped tip the scale in Hollywood.
Unfortunately Director/Producer Judd Apatow turns Trainwreck into a conventional movie about joining the establishment. In every movie he makes, the character must learn that FAMILY is most important. It slows the pacing of the picture, removes the fun, and makes the picture a bit too sentimental. The change in emotion can be abrupt and awkward.
Trainwreck has a fun beginning, followed by a plodding journey towards mediocrity. I would recommend watching the hilarious John Cena scene and then turn off the movie on a high note.
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